FUJITO Shoehorn Natural
このシューホーンは福岡の糸島にあるDouble Double Funitureの酒井氏に1点ずつ削り出し作っていただいたものです。
※商品の写真はできる限り実物の色に近づけるよう徹底しておりますが、 実際の商品と色味が少し異なる場合がございます。
This product is made from Japanese oak by Double Double Furniture in Itoshima, Fukuoka. The unique form of the Shoehorn is inspired by practical tools such as mountaineering gear. You can put on the shoes on both sides without bending down while holding them with your right hand.
The oil urethane finish is available in natural, unpainted colours, or black, dyed using iron-mordanting, a method that reacts with the tannin molecules in the wood to turn it black.
Both colours blend in well in both an entrance hallway and room interior.
It is also a good choice for gift-giving.
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.